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Trip to Greece for a world event on Kundalini yoga Tantra


Trip to Greece for the world festival of kundalini yoga Tantra
My trip to Greece during the worldwide journey to Kundalini Yoga Tantra was a real immersion into the world of spiritual practice and deep self-discovery. This experience had a huge impact on me and changed my understanding of myself and yoga in general.

The event, which brought together participants from all over the world, united a common love for kundalini yoga. We organized morning meditations and practice under the shore of the rising sun on the Aegean Sea, surrounded by the last Greek mountains. This atmosphere of calm and harmony became especially inspiring and strengthening.

Participating in master classes by leading kundalini yoga teachers was a real revelation for me. I developed my own practical methods, asanas and meditations, which helped me find strength and harmony. Lectures on kundalini energy and its effect on the body and mind opened new horizons in my understanding of spiritual practice.



Participating in master classes by leading kundalini yoga teachers was a real revelation for me. I developed my own practical methods, asanas and meditations, which helped me find strength and harmony. Lectures on kundalini energy and its effect on the body and mind opened new horizons in my understanding of spiritual practice.

A special condition for me is communication with like-minded people – people who also strive for spiritual and deep self-knowledge through kundalini yoga. Sharing my experiences and history inspired me to take new steps forward in my practice.

Returning home after this event, I brought with me not only a wealth of experience and knowledge, but also inspiration for further development. A trip to the world event on kundalini yoga Tantra became for me a true guiding star on the path to a deep understanding of myself and the world around me.


Валерия Гарбулинская
Валерия Гарбулинская

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